Reducing IT Through Technology
Most organizations have an opportunity to reduce IT costs and improve overall organizational efficiency but don’t know where to begin. As your managed IT services partner, Velox Systems is home to an experienced and knowledgeable team of business analysts who will help you identify areas where you can reduce IT costs while modernizing and streamlining your information management systems.
Using our Cost Engineering process, our team will assess your existing IT and IT-related expenses to determine which services can be replaced with more cost effective options, and which expenses can be reduced or eliminated altogether. Once these potential areas for cost reduction have been identified, our team prepares technology solutions tailored to fit the specific needs of your organization.
Reduce costs with Technology Services
The effective use of technology is key to the success of any organization. However, many businesses and organizations pay too much for outdated and unnecessary hardware and software solutions. Whether it’s broadband access, phone lines, or the time keeping apps, there are often more cost effective options available for your organization. Finding them is simply a matter of knowing where to look. Velox Systems has the industry knowledge and experience to find cost effective solutions that scale to your organization’s needs at the best price point available.
Lower Staff Requirements
In many organizations, employees are given tasks that are time consuming, redundant or unnecessary. In some cases, these tasks can be eliminated, automated or expedited by marrying process improvement with technology solutions. This frees up employees to spend time on work that adds to your bottom line and creates value for your business. As an experienced automation consultant and IT service partner, Velox Systems is well versed in tech-based process automation. We can help you automate and streamline your business basics, reducing the time your employees need to spend on minutiae that leads to employee burnout.
Streamlining Overhead Expenses
Cloud-based office systems can also help in cutting down costs by reducing the need for physical storage and decreasing the reliance on traditional hardware and software. These technologies streamline operations and eliminate the need for excessive office space and resources, leading to lower overhead expenses. Our IT audits and IT management services also cut down software costs by eliminating unneeded software and reducing unnecessary and unplanned redundancies that result from overlapping purchasing, automatic renewals and a lack of communication between departments.
Learn More
See what normal costs of business IT look like around the nation here.
These are only a few of the ways Velox Systems can help you reduce your costs and free your working capital.