Upgrade Technology - Velox Systems - Let us help!

Upgrade Technology

Upgrade Technology

Velox Systems works with you to upgrade technology in a cost effective way. To that end we work tirelessly to keep ahead of the curve and keep innovation alive. As your business grows, you technology gets older. Therefore, it is important to know what upgrades to make to best support your growth and innovation in your own industry.

Once we have a Technology Roadmap in place upgrading technology is easy and predictable. The best part is that once we all know where your business is going you can leave it to us to get you there. We will execute the Technology Roadmap according to the needs and budget set in place. To do this our staff of trained technicians will walk your staff through every change. This is to make sure everyone is up to date with what’s new, and how to use it.

Our Philosophy on Upgrading

We’ll be visionary for you

There are lots of philosophies about staying up to date. Tech Enthusiasts usually suffer from FOMO “Fear of Missing Out” while skeptics miss the curve altogether. Velox Systems has the philosophy that we should be Visionaries while our clients remain Pragmatists. This allows us to see things coming that are more than a fad. After sifting through the chaff, we then provide to our clients tested and true solutions while they’re still cutting edge.

Velox Systems looks at several areas to keep your tech up to date.


Security is changing all the time as the dark web is getting more advanced. We continue to nudge our clients in the areas of security. While doing this we also ensure you maintain productivity by minimizing disruption that can come with more security.


Your computers, servers and network hardware all work together to keep your staff working fast. Performance is our second priority when we upgrade technology. As such, we focus a lot of time on analyzing what devices in your business are approaching the end of life. By cycling out old devices you can ensure your staff will work as effectively as possible.


Sometimes the reason to upgrade is for needed features to innovate your business. Software integration, client communication, and process streamline features are constantly advancing in today’s technology. Speech recognition, artificial intelligence, and financial tracking are a few examples of new features in software, hardware, and network infrastructure that have advanced in the last few year. Velox Systems IT consulting will help you identify what new technology can help you work better, and how to implement it.

Start Your Technology Upgrade with Us

If you’re looking to advance your business and stay ahead of the competition, get started today with a Strategic Roadmap design with Velox Systems.

Let’s Figure it Out Together