Cyber Security Training and Education
Our cyber security team works to prevent spam email, malicious attacks, or other phishing attacks from reaching our clients inboxes. We install and troubleshoot anti-virus scanning software as well as provide online spam filtering that offers great protection against common cyber security threats. But that’s not the end of the story.
When it comes to cyber security, education and training are essential. Even the best spam and phishing filters aren’t foolproof. Your greatest defense against phishing attacks is a group of educated users. Velox Systems works with several partners to conduct phishing simulation tests for our clients. These simulations monitor our clients’ responses to phishing attempts in a safe and controlled way.
When security threats and vulnerabilities are detected, we reach out to users who mistakenly acted on the phishing simulation. We follow up with training, information, and tips to avoid falling for an actual phishing attack that puts your business information at risk.
We conduct our simulations several times throughout the year on an annual basis. Training sessions and materials are licensed and provided as a part of the service to users who need additional training to successfully avoid phishing attacks.
So What Do I Do Next?
Need help to figure out what IT service plan you need to help keep your staff trained and aware of costly malicious email attacks? Contact our cyber security team to discuss what type of steps your business or organization should be taking.
Don’t wait until it’s too late. Contact the Velox team today to ensure that your company’s data is safeguarded against the increasing threat of cyber theft.