2017 was a crazy year for cyber crime and cyber security. WannaCry hit every continent and most modern countries (See image below), reminding us that bad guys were out there and were just an IP ping away.
So, what should we expect from 2018? Less ransomware, more IoT attacks, and more memory and chip attacks. According to SonicWall’s 2018 Cyber Threat Report, there is a global arms race going on that businesses like yours and mine are getting caught in. “Governments, enterprises and individuals are in the crosshairs of a global cyber arms race,” says Bill Conner, CEO of Sonicwall.
The Risks to Business
He goes on to say that cyber related risks are becoming a top risk for businesses: “The risks to business, privacy and related data grow by the day — so much so that cybersecurity is outranking some of the more traditional business risks and concerns.” and Lloyd’s of Lundon (massive insurance agency) agrees with them “There are substantial insurance gaps, as a majority of cyber risks are not covered by any form of insurance,” says Lloyd’s of London CEO Inga Beale. “Just like natural catastrophes, cyber events such as hacker attacks or internet failures can cause severe impact on businesses and economies.”
So be ready, make sure you have an updated firewall in place that is properly setup, antivirus on your computers, a good password manager, and cross your fingers…